Tuesday, May 15, 2012

WWII Final Study Guide

Friday afternoon students will be taking the WWII final. The assessment will include true/false, multiple choice, short answer, and an essay. In order to perform well, they should be able to speak intelligently about the following topics.

1. Countries involved, their leaders, and leadership styles
2. The Versailles Treaty and how it led to WWII
3. Pearl Harbor: location, geography, timeline, ships in the harbor, aftermath
4. Excutive Order 9066: dates, those affected, geography
5. Hitler's rise to power: ideaology, titles, army structure
6. Name the Allies and the Axis powers and why each joined the war
7. The American Homefront: women's role, rationing, effect on minorities, Victory gardens, Victory mail,
8. Major Battles: Theaters of battle, weapons used in various theaters, names and results
9. Holocaust: groups involved, types of camps, number involved, idea of genocide
10. Code Breaking: Enigma machine (what is it, how was it used, why was it important), types of codes
11. Hiroshima: Manhatten Project (what countries were involved, where was it located, what did they create), why it was bombed, success or lack of there

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