Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Setting Yourself Up for Math Success

In Course 2, formerly Math 8/7, we are using a binder system that will set ourselves up for success. Today was day three of math lessons, which means our binders should be starting to take shape. Let's take a look at what a successful math binder looks like.

The math binder is a 1 inch binder just for math. This binder is labeled clearly with your name and the word "Math" in large letters on the spine and the cover. This allows you to quickly identify which binder you need eliminating the possibility of bringing the wrong binder to class.

Inside there are three sections. Section one contains your math bill of rights and the math objective trackers. We haven't passed out any math objectives yet, but they will be coming soon!

Section two contains your daily notes. In class each day you will use a page of loose leaf graph paper to take notes on the lesson. Each page will be headed with the lesson number and title. Below that will be any vocabulary words and then the steps and hints for the new concept. These notes go in to your math binder in order.

Section three contains all of your completed assignments. Assignments will be turned in daily. The daily checklist will be on top. The checklist contains the fact practice (power up), mental math answers, problem solving answer, and the answers for the lesson practice. All boxes must be filled out. The written practice is completed on loose leaf graph paper. Your name, the date, and lesson number should be in the top left corner. Fold your paper into eighths and then use each box to complete one problem. Answers are then written in the answer column, located on the far right side of the paper. All problems must be written out and work shown. After completing all of this, staple your pages together, checklist on top, and turn it in. I will check your work, comment on any major errors, and return it to you to be placed in section three. These should be in order so you can easily locate them to study for tests.

That's it! If your notebook is in order, you have set yourself up for success! Keep up the good work.

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