Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Long Should Homework Take?

At the beginning of every school year this question comes up multiple times. How long should it take your seventh grader to do their homework?

Let's break it down by subject.

1. Riggs - Regular Riggs homework (write each word three times and sentences) should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes.

2. Math - Math consists of 30 problems each night. This should take approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Someone that excels at math should be able to do the work in 20 - 30 minutes while someone having to get help in math may take up to an hour.

3. Writing - Writing is likely to take the longest to complete, at least at first. IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) is used in every classroom. The writing process has four steps. First a KWO (key word outline) is created. This key word outline allows students to organize their thoughts before committing to the rough draft. A KWO summarizing a text should take them no more than 15 minutes total. A KWO on a position paper should take about 15 minutes after 15 minutes of discussion. The discussion time allows students to clarify their thoughts, consider new ideas, be challenged or validated. After the KWO, students create a rough draft. This should take minimal time if their KWO is complete. It's simple taking the three keywords on each line and making a complete sentence out of it. A rough draft should take about 20 minutes per page to complete. The final draft, completed after sharing with a classmate, editing, and rereading should take no longer than 20 minutes per page.  In the beginning, it will take new seventh graders a bit longer to complete their keyword outlines and to revise their rough drafts. They will hear "I need more evidence." and "Why?" a lot! The expectation in seventh grade is that they will back up their reasoning with evidence every single time. This is where parents come in. You can help by having open family discussions about the topics being covered. Help to guide them towards evidence that is age appropriate, broadens their thinking, challenges their preconcieved notions, and fits into your family's comfort zone.

4. Other - Rarely there will be other work that needs to be done. The time needed for those items varies but is balanced with these other three main sources of homework.

In all, homework should take approximately 90 minutes to complete. If it's taking longer than that, please take a good look at what is taking longer than expected. Is it that they don't have the proper materials gathered? Is it that they don't know what to do? Or is it that they are spending as much time trying to avoid the work as they are actually working?

Have faith that over the first few weeks, they will settle into a routine and it will get easier.

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